Every April at Kansas City Bier Company, we fill a small tank with Carolator, our Pale Doppelbock Lager, and gradually lower the temperature until ice forms. Thus, König Eisbock (“King Ice Bock”) is born.

“The origin of Eisbock is frequently attributed to the Franconian city of Kulmbach in northern Bavaria. Folklore holds that, when a barrel of bock was left outside during a particularly cold winter night in the 1890s, brewers came back to discover that ice had formed in the bier and expanded, breaking the wooden staves. They also found that the block of ice was encapsulating a small amount of dark liquid, which tasted delcious. They realized that the water froze but the alcohol did not, thus concentrating the alcohol content and flavors. Because the beer was frozen, it became known as Eisbock, meaning “ice bock”.

When a brewer freezes a bock (or more typically, a Doppelbock) the ice floats to the top of the tank. The dewatered, high-alcohol beer is then drained from below, leaving the ice behind. The beer takes on a distinctively alcoholic character in mouthfeel and aroma from the concentrated levels of esters and fusel alcohols that impart dark fruit flavors, such as prune and raisin. The caramel malt flavors are also concentrated, which creates a full body and rich, semisweet finish. Freezing reduces the solubility of proteins and harsh polyphenols, which are more readily removed during filtration, producing a smoother tasting beer.”
Our König Eisbock, however, is not made from a frozen dark Doppelbock, but rather, a pale one. Instead of caramel and dark fruit flavors, the freezing process imparts a honey-like sweetness and notes of golden raisin. This decadent bier will be available only at the Bierhalle beginning on April 8th in 4-packs to go and on draught.

Sources: Holle, Stephen R. et. al. Beer Steward Handbook: A Practice Guide to Understanding Beer, Second Edition. 2012 Master Brewers Association of America. Oliver, Garrett. The Oxford Companion to Beer. 2011 Oxford University Press